Aim & Objective

Aim & Objective

the institution bears the object to impart education to its pupils in proper perspective, to help little boys and girls develop their inherent qualities, flourish their talents, and inculcate habits of independent observation and thought, to impress upon them regard for the best of Indian and foreign cultures and not simply to subordinate these qualities to the preparation for examinations. It is hoped that under special care of the teachers the taughts will gradually develop their nicer faculties and become the worthy citizens of India with training to shoulder their responsibilities in society in a manner befitting the tradition and heritage of our motherland.

The schools situated as it is within the Bengal Engineering and Science University campus has a sober, soothing surrounding. Its activities always have the loving care of a number of intellectuals and well-wishers, living within and beyond the campus, who work for its development in all respects.

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